Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fresh Breath

Can you believe that I almost forgot what today, more like tonight is? I was just going along with my daily chores when my husband came in with a bottle of wine and the statement, "We may want some of this for tonight." For a brief moment I thought to myself tonight? which was shortly replaced with, oh yeah! 2009! WHAT! 2009! My favorite day is tomorrow! You get a clean slate, a new year, a blank piece of paper, a fresh sheet of snow, a renewing, a refreshing, a "reset" button, a chance to redeem yourself, a chance to become who you wanted to in the previous year, new adventures, and if you're like me this year, a new place to call home with joy and anticipation as to what that holds. I LOVE JANUARY 1st! But let me first say, "God, I'm ready to see what you have in store for me and I am thankful for everything you did last year! Thanks again!" I wake up with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for giving me, my family and my friends another year and I let go of the past. THAT'S IT! That's why I like a new year so much! While typing this it has become clear to me that why I love January 1st is because I can shut the door on all the past mistakes again and I can move forward with new vigor. I like it because when I wake up on the first day of the new year, I feel as though I've walked through an open door where glorious colors and gardens with a gentle breeze invite me in and where I can declutter and dejunk myself. It's like taking in a deep, fresh breath of life. Whether that makes any sense to anyone else but me I'm not sure, but I see that vision even now as I'm writing. I only have five more hours before I embark on a new journey on a new road and I can't wait; it's one part letting go and 90% anticipation that I thrive on. It's extrordinarily exciting, don't you think?!~

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Great Surprise

Christmas has come and gone at our new home; a month ago I couldn't even picture where I was going to put my Christmas tree and now it's almost time to take it down. The tree ended up standing stoic and proud in our dining room just close enough to the window to reflect the lights. This morning I felt a bit of nostalgia while I was finishing up the daily chores that I used to accomplish in our old home; it's a weird feeling. I'm not even sure it was nostalgia as much as it was, "I would never have guessed where I'd be a year ago," or "Look where we're at....didn't see this coming," or "It's not near as bad as I made myself believe this extraordinary move to be." This is the first Christmas in a long time that I've opened up the blinds to the sliding glass door and been in awe of the snow crystals gleaming and glistening under the clear bright, bright, brighter blue than the city will ever see, sky. We were also blessed with a Christmas surprise of Chelsea and Danielle making there way up here on the 26th to give their father the gift he really wanted and to make him cry, of course. That's all he really wanted for Christmas and while we have enjoyed being back with friends and family, we have also missed friends and family this Christmas...all my husband wanted was to be with his girls even though we knew it probably wouldn't happen this what a great gift to him from his beautiful daughters. The best gift they could have given him. So while another Christmas is gone, I'd like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's from our new corner of the world to yours with many blessings to come. ~

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Place

Cody is upstairs watching the Broncos game, the kids are watching The Polar Express for their rest time movie and I just finished putting groceries away. Whew! Sunday mornings were busy down in Denver, but with the added 25-30 minute trip to church one way and the crowds we fight to grocery shop afterwards, I am exhausted. When we got home Samuel said, "I'm tired." AMEN to that! Cody has requested my "football dip" for half time and so that will be part of our newly implemented "left over" dinner menu for tonight. I don't know about you, but I am tired of throwing away perfectly good food every week and there is really no good reason for whether they like it or not, "left over" night starts tonight. Actually, we'll see how long this lasts, they may be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before to long as I think I'm the only one in this house who truly likes left overs. Samuel has made this move, adjustment, and transition very well; it's amazing that I was really concerned about him with school and all. He has made a handful of new friends and has even had one over to play already; plus there already is a girl in his class by the name of Morgan who just can't stop talking about "the new boy, Sam", or so her mother tells we go. It's Isaac, who so desperately wanted to move up here months before we did, that is having a little trouble. He just can't seem to figure out where all his friends from Denver we are on a mission to make new ones. He says, "I like living here, but I don't have any playmates" and who can blame him, after all he always had two little girls at his heels and I think he's kind of lost without them, but we have a play date scheduled for next week with one of my friends and her 3 year old I think that will help. Plus I've already plugged us into a MOPS group and a bible study as soon as they both start back up after Christmas, I think he will be just fine; his same schedule, just a new place. ~

Friday, December 19, 2008

Made It

AHHHHHHHHH...I'm actually sitting down, sipping a cup of tea, watching my Christmas tree lights flicker and enjoying the quiet - all in my new home. YES! We made it! More like, YES I MADE IT! I hate change, as anyone who knows me, or has read my blog most of my anxiety is subsided now that we are here and unpacked enough to be comfortable. We are even in the routine of things here and that helps adjust my brain tremendously; now my next mission is to find a few friends for my four year old to play with; he needs some playmates. I remember thinking around Thanksgiving that if I lived through the next three weeks I could live through anything and I remember thinking, "keep your eyes on December 10th when you know you'll be moved, you will make it." I even remember thinking, "I'm never going to get my tree up and Christmas is going to be in the mountains, you've got to be kidding me. Are we really doing this?" Now here we are and guess what? I do have my tree up and it's beautiful and we are going to have Christmas in the mountains and we are going to be surrounded by so much family that it is going to be GRAND! This will be the first Christmas that my sister's family and mine are together since we had kids and the cousins are looking forward to it sooooo much that it makes my heart all warm inside. ~

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Good Byes"

We have a ton going on today and I wish I had the nerve to tell people that I'm sorry, but I just can't fit you into the calendar between now and Monday; we need to finish getting this house packed! I love the fact that people want to meet with us and say good-bye, but it's starting to stress me out; it's not like they want to help me pack while they say my last two days have been filled with "good-byes" and little packing and I'm starting to freak that we will not be ready by Monday. Cody is on his way to Fort Collins for an appointment with one last client who feels the need to meet before we go and I was planning on doing some more packing, but instead we have people on their way over and I can't handle it! I needed this time to finish the upstairs and start, START on my bedroom; oh well, it may be a late night tomorrow night, but that's just the way it goes. Samuel and Isaac are being good about getting rid of things and they are being good about packing up their toys too. We made sure they packed two small bags of toys that they would like to have with them while the rest are in transition and so may not see until Tuesday; Samuel understands, but I'm not sure Isaac does. He keeps asking me, "When are we going to see our toys again?" and when I try to explain to him that they are all moving to the mountains with us, he gives me a strange look. Well, I guess I'd better quit blogging, more like venting today, and get on with the packing. ~

Friday, December 5, 2008

Checked Out

I am tired of packing; I'm exhausted! I want to write out Christmas cards and can't; I want to do something other than packing, but I really can't. With Cody going to get the truck on Sunday and us loading it up that same day, I really need to make sure everything is ready....can't wait until Monday when we are on the road and I know that at least half the "fun" of moving is over. Cody is out with Clint having a beverage, beer no doubt, and getting in his last goodbye with his younger, but old friend. Today Cody and Isaac went and had lunch with Chelsea and Danielle; Isaac came back smelling of his older sisters' perfumes and so I know he relished in a few nice, tight, bear hugs before coming home. Samuel checked out of school today and while I expected him to come home a little sad, I was glad to see that he made it home without a tear and in good spirits. Everyday I have been praying that God would help the boys (particularly Samuel) make this move, transition and adjustment well as his friends and teachers have had a hard time of it; more than I thought they would I have to I was glad he came home okay and still excited to go. I watched Mickale and Maliya for the last time today and I have to say that it was more emotional for me at 4:00 p.m. than I would have liked it to be. I felt like I was losing my own children, after all, I have had Mickale since she was 8 weeks old and now she's 2 and even though I have only watched Maliya for a year, I was still sad - I guess I've developed an attachment to them I hadn't planned on. So now we look forward to Monday - our move day, and while I am sad about leaving so much here, I have to remember that there people on the other side of the hill excitedly awaiting our return. We're on our way! ~

Friday, November 28, 2008

Another Thanksgiving

Well, another Thanksgiving is over and I am so blessed and thankful for so much; friends, family, health, God's direction and the plentiful food we ate yesterday and everyday just to name a few. We spent this Thanksgiving with Chelsea, Quentin (Chelsea's boyfriend) and Danielle and had a wonderful time giving thanks, stuffing our faces, reminiscing and playing a little Nintendo. I wish everyday could be like Thanksgiving - just hanging out with family, eating, sleeping and not worrying about much at all. However, all great things must come to an back to life today; which included my husband going up to Ft. Collins for an appointment this morning. He will be back in time to visit with his sister, who is on her way to our house, and than over to the Anderson's for another great time of fellowship and food tonight. I am packing up my kitchen and books with my friend, Majeel, who has turned up to help me and I am more than thankful for that also. I have to say that the packing is coming along nicely, or so I think; now watch, come next Monday the 8th I'll be stressing out because I still have a lot more to do than I thought I would, HA! HA! Samuel and Isaac are going through their stuffed animals and toys today to get rid of the ones they really don't play with anymore and then their rooms will be almost done. Now for the closets .............~

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good Balance

God made us all very different and unique from each other; I've always known that, but it's funny watching my husband and I pack, clean and deal with this move differently. Looking at the house as a whole is so totally overwhelming to I started taking pictures down and packing one room at a time. My husband has spent the majority of his time down in the basement and the crawl space bringing everything up; which I am glad of because I don't want to pack that space - it's crammed full of junk! However, yesterday my awesome husband told me I was crazy for already taking pictures down; talk about burst my bubble. Actually I was more peeved that he would say something like that instead of "it's looking good; we're making progress". I could see his point, but I told him, "I feel like I'm making more progress and it keeps me motivated to keep going if the walls are clear." I know that doesn't really make sense, but God has made us different. I have a ton of questions and annoy the living daylights out of my husband everyday just by the sheer fact that I make him assure me at least three times a day that we will be okay and this is the right thing to do even though I myself know without a shadow of a doubt this is what we are supposed to do; I can't deny the peace I have. It's a good thing God didn't pair me up with someone just like me; I need the good balance of my husband. ~

Friday, November 21, 2008

Purging Junk

It amazes me how much junk I have; all that I once thought was so important, but now that I am trying to pack, I am finding more and more stuff that I need to get rid of. Let's be honest, if you haven't used it in over a year, it's a knick knack you can't really remember who you got it from, or you don't even like and if it's something that's broken than you probably could and should let go of it. I will probably have just as much bags and boxes that need to go to the trash, or Good Will as I will going into the U-Haul; well maybe not as many, but dang near close. Not to mention that I have baby toys, books and other items that I need to let go of; my boys are 6 and 4 and I don't foresee daycare in my future again. Cody is a chaperon on Sam's field trip to The Aquarium today and I just talked to him and he said they are having a blast. I am so fortunate to have a husband who is so involved in my kids' lives and loves being a part of their education. I have been semi packing (mostly in my brain) and I'm giving the bathrooms and kitchen floor one more good scrub down before we go. I only have to have the house "broom cleaned" according to the that's nice, but I think I should do the best I can before we head up the hill. Now to find some more boxes. ~

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Moving Back

When change comes into our lives and into our families lives, we can get a little panicky; what am I talking about - most of the time I break out in a cold sweat. I LOATH CHANGE! I CAN'T STAND IT! I WANT EVERYTHING TO JUST STAY THE SAME! However, change is coming, change is inevitable and I once heard that if you are not experiencing some kind of change at all times than you are stagnant and can't grow. I believe that....but I still don't like it. Our change is now. After being down in the Broomfield area for a little over seven years we are moving back to the mountains where we were raised and where our families are. When my husband started talking about the possibility of doing this last year I was completely against it with every fiber of my being; the thought actually made my stomach turn and me thinking, "I'm going to be sick!" The funny thing about change is even our emotions can turn from "sick" to "exciting" when given to God. I have been praying since February that if a change was coming for our family that he would start preparing me. He knows He made me the way He did and He heard my prayer and answered it; almost 365 days later to the exact time (last fall was our first thought of moving back). I am thrilled to be going home and have complete peace about it. I can't deny that. I even sat in a chair and tried to worry about this decision and could not; all the pieces have been taken care of. Another lesson for me: Ask and you will not only receive, but you will see how the mighty hands of God have prepared the way for you if you are patient in the waiting of His timing. I don't imagine that everything will be easy up in the mountains; we are still imperfect human beings, but I know a God who hears my cries no matter where I am and answers them FAITHFULLY; maybe not the way we always want, but He does answer. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11 - 13 is one of my favorite passages of scripture for a reason and I can gladly say AMEN to it! ~

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lesson Learned

Morality, integrity, honesty and character have been on my mind since my son got suspended from school last Monday. The story goes that Samuel went with another boy to the microwave during lunch to try and cook a Cheeto. The hard part for me was when asked, "Why did you do that?" They replied, "We don't know." So on the way to the Dean's office they were told that didn't they know the "school could catch on fire". Of course they didn't, do you really think a 6 year old can rationalize that a Cheeto could do so much damage? Furthermore, I'm not sure that could really happen; I mean I know I've burned myself up some pretty "blackened" popcorn and the microwave, let alone the house, did not catch fire (thanks for that insight, sis). Anyway, so when the Dean of Students asked the two boys what they thought would happen, their response was, "The school could have caught on fire," and because of their "understanding" of the possible consequences, they were suspended for a day. I did not believe at all that my son knew what could have happened, but that the school catching on fire was only a thought after an adult put it there. It's amazing how much influence we have; anyway, so I expressed my concern to the school and I told them that I thought the suspension was a little hard. Here is the part I am particularly proud about: the next day the Dean of Students met with Cody and I and completely apologized! She said that "After you had voiced your concern, I went and talked to the teacher who caught them and she did in fact tell them the school could have caught on fire on the way to the office and so, therefore, I do believe that's why the boys answered the way they did. The suspension will be wiped off his record and I am deeply sorry I did not consult the teacher before handing out my harsh consequence. He will only have a red card in his record." Samuel was completely vindicated! Not that I don't think he should have got into some sort of trouble, after all, a Cheeto doesn't need cooked and it was wrong, but not a suspension. The fact that my son told me that, "I thought it might be wrong," THAT'S THE POINT I WANTED HIM TO LEARN. If you think it's wrong, that's probably that small voice called the holy spirit telling you not to follow and that's the important lesson here. I want my son to know he needed to stop if he thought it was wrong, that it's okay to say no and you DO NOT HAVE TO BE A FOLLOWER! That's the lesson I want my son to walk away with; an easier lesson to learn at 6 than at 15 and that's what we should all want our kids to learn. Furthermore, I am proud to be part of The Academy of Charter Schools in Westminster, Colorado! They teach integrity, character and honesty just to name a few and the fact is I know a lot of administrators and teachers that would have said, "To bad. That's the punishment I dealt and I can't take it back. What would that say? So deal with it." But instead we have administrators and teachers in this school who took the high road and admitted that they were wrong and not only apologized to me, but also my son by vindicating him. That took a lot of guts, but guts that will only enhance and bless that school; thank you for not only teaching integrity, but also showing integrity. Good job and may God bless you! ~

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fifteen Monkeys

Your life can feel like such a whirlwind sometimes; dishes need done, laundry needs folded, toilets need cleaned and my dining room needs a visit from the Pledge rag terribly, but I just can't seem to find the time lately. It's amazing to me how preoccupied we can get by the simple, yet very complex act of raising little ones. Sometimes I feel like there are 15 monkeys fighting over one banana in my head and I can't keep track of any one of them! Once I heard that as the kids get older you will find more time; which is so NOT the case for me as I've just filled up that time with other stuff. Enough about husband is on his way home from the mountains and I am trying to decide what I'm going to feed my children for dinner. Mac & Cheese seems to be the favorite choice, but how much of that should our children really eat? HA! HA! Samuel is busy playing with his glow stick lantern he brought home from our Family Fun Night at church last night. Those sticks no longer stayed lit up after last night, but my son is still playing with them making all kids of different stick figures with them. Isaac is upstairs in his room after being sent there for tearing one of his brothers creations apart; what else is new. Now I hear him either throwing toys around, or throwing himself around, in either case I guess I should go pay him a visit. ~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Residing Pain

What is with this blinding eyebrow headache I have had since this morning? The recommended daily dose of Tylenol, nor the flowing water going through my system has yet evicted this pain that has taken up residence in the frontal lobs of my head. UHG! Cody went to pick up Samuel from school and then he will go to pool league tonight at which point I will probably have to fight with my Sam to do his homework. Supposedly Samuel gets frustrated with the timing I pick to make him do his homework; he told his dad, "Homework is not so bad, it's just that mom always waits until I'm in the middle of something before she tells me I need to start it." HA! While I think he'd probably always be in the middle of something when I asked him to do it, I will take note of his statement. Samuel and Isaac both received buzz cuts over the weekend just in time for the chilly air, but I couldn't stand the 'sticking up smooth down' we had to do every morning before Samuel was pushed out the door for school. Happy meals from Sonic was the treat and dinner of the night if they would endure my request for shorter hair; so coney's and tots for all! Isaac can't STAND getting his hair cut; he whines the whole time because he doesn't like the sound of the clippers. Oh well....such is life. Today we had MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and he said he got lots of compliments on his I know that made him feel like it was all worth it. ~

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happiness Redefined

Happiness is being revealed to me in new ways almost every other day, or so it seems, as my old view of this destination is being replaced the more my faith deepens. There was a time when I used to think that happiness came from the amount of money I had in the bank and while that does help (let's be honest), I am learning that is not the true happiness my Lord wants me to strive for. Somewhere along the way I had created my own definition of happiness which revolved solely around my circumstances and situations. Now my definition has been challenged, refined and sometimes painfully conformed to this: happiness is being content with what you have and are. Oh boy, I think that's what the Word of God has always told me about happiness, it's just taken me a while to get there (still working on it) and to let the world's view sluff off.

Enough about that....Cody is upstairs playing with Mickale as she is the only kid here right now seems how Isaac is at preschool and I don't have Maliya today. Now he's taken to clipping his fingernails over the kitchen sink; between those lovely shards of nail, the bits of beans and ham from dinner last night and the chew that my friend's husband spits down our drain every time he comes I bet that garbage disposal needs a good disinfectant. HA! HA! ~

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take Stalk

Parents who want their children to look up to them and follow their same religious views need to sell out to these views FIRST before their children should be expected to follow suit. Where is this coming from? Well, I have a friend out of state who I am concerned about and praying of over the fact that she is one of the "church" going people on Sunday, but during the rest of the week does whatever else she pleases. Now she's so confused on why they are having trouble with their pre-teen listening to them and why their son is acting out. This should be a now brain er, common sense, YOU CAN NOT EXPECT YOUR CHILDREN TO DO WHAT YOU TELL THEM IF YOUR ACTIONS DON'T FOLLOW SUIT! But, like I've said before, what is common sense to me isn't always common sense to everyone else; it sure would be easier if it was. Not that I have it all figured out by any means, but that is a blatant conflict in some homes and I think it's our right as friends in Christ to keep each other accountable.

Enough about that...I have had a full house of children today as I took on a couple extra and then we had a play date with a dear friend and her family bringing the total of kids to seven for lunch; nutty, but a good time. I'm ready for a nap. ~

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Day

Well, I had a lot planned to do today, but I ended up playing cars, Rescue Heroes and Spyro the video game with my four year old. Now my feet are really sticking to the kitchen floor and my sons' laundry is so heaped up it may take a couple loads all it's own. Cody just pulled into the driveway with Samuel, Isaac and Brianna; the school pick up load and so I'm sure I'll hear, "Mom, what's for snack?" in the next few minutes. My husband spent the majority of the day down at the Tech Center office and now he has a few things to finish up here tonight before I go out to dinner with Danielle and he hangs with the boys. Samuel brought home some AR books (books that he tests on at school) to read tonight as he needs to push himself a little more with the reading curriculum. They would like him to be at a second grade level by the end of the hopefully extra reading time at home will be the remedy. Isaac, Mickale and I journeyed over to the park this morning for a little fresh air as my four year old was going a little nutty here at home. We were invited to a play date this morning, but my son didn't feel like going and so while I thought it would be great to get some extra cleaning done instead we ended up at the park. Oh well. ~

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

The kids had a wonderful weekend with their father as I went to a women's retreat up in Keystone with my church. They truly did stay in the same underwear all weekend and they didn't brush their teeth except for on Saturday morning when they went to visit their sister. I had an extraordinary weekend with my good friends and was blessed tremendously by the speaker and our "hang time" in a beautiful mountain town. I came back refreshed and ready to conquer the world and all that's wrong with it; I am empowered! I have always said that I don't want more children, let alone a girl (sorry if that offends anyone), but after seeing all the moms and daughters this weekend sharing such an intimate time I have to say it crossed my mind; although it passed quickly. I pray my boys will one day be able to go with Cody on a men's retreat and experience the same greatness and closeness with their earthly father and their heavenly father. Cody went to volunteer at Samuel's school this afternoon for an hour before the day is out; I'm so thankful to have a husband who is involved in his children's school and daily activities and wants to be, not out of obligation, but want. Thank you, Jesus! ~

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aching Couples

Creating a fun, family time with my two boys and my husband can be as easy as a game of Candy Land in candle light. How about the "Family Movie/Fun Nights" we have when we take turns deciding what the family will do on a weekend night? Our tradition usually is to let the boys pick and if they pick a movie night than one picks the movie and the other picks the food and then we rotate the next weekend. Sometimes they pick Lakeside Amusement Park instead of the movie, but you get the idea; we have a blast as a family. But what about our marriages. What about having a "Couple Weekend" or at least a "date night". I am amazed at the amount of people who put their husbands/wives on hold while they raise a family. Did you forget that the most important relationship we model for our children, outside of our relationship with Christ, is our relationship with our spouse? What if we took half as much time for our spouse ALONE as we do for our family and friendships; you know, when the kids are gone you will still have your spouse and I pray I'll still know how to talk to mine and know even who he is.

Enough about that....Cody is downstairs trying to wrap up some business before tomorrow because come 1:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon he will have the boys all to himself for the weekend. YIKES! But I am so ready for my weekend with my God and close friends; what a blast we have! ~

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Retreat Weekend

Not much going on here today; which I have to say is a quiet reprieve from our normal busy week, but I do like being this is nice. There is laundry to be done, paperwork to be filed and a couple kitchen cabniets that need dusted out, but I really don't feel like doing any of here I am. Cody is down at his Tech Center office today and so I may be able to actually find the time to go to our basement office and do some work, but let's be honest, I doubt it (cause even if I could find the time, I don't want too). This weekend I am going to retreat with the women from our church and I absolutely can't wait; I love these women and we always have such a great time togethr. Not to mention that I will be able to seep myself into God's word and not have any distractions around me. YES! My Samuel has informed me that I won't be missed much, well, he didn't say it in that many words, but he did say,
"So, mom when are you leaving?"
"Not till Friday afternoon." I answered.
"Well, we are going to have a great time with boys weekend. We're not going to make our beds, change our underwear, brush our teeth, or sleep in our beds. We're going to sleep in your bed, or on the couch bed and daddy says we're going to eat junk food all weekend. I can't wait!"
"Me either!" pipes up my Isaac from the next room.
I guess they are kind of having a retreat of their own - a no rules retreat. HAVE FUN BOYS! The rules WILL be implemented again come Sunday night. ~

Monday, October 6, 2008

Enabling Children

Those parents who fight all their children's battles, are they really teaching them anything, or are they enabling their children? There are definitely times when our children need help and I am not talking about any child under the age of 12. I'm talking about our pre-teen, adolescent and young adult children who should know the difference between right and wrong. There are numerous selfish, self-absorbed and incapable young adults and teenagers out there who feel like we owe them the world and I'm suggesting it's because we, as parents, have done everything for them, given them everything they asked for, and won't acknowledge when they screw in fact, we have created these low relationship functioning adults because we have more than paved the way for them to feel self-righteous.

Cody is downstairs taking some tests and continuing education that is due on Wednesday; with the economy the way it is there is more then enough for the professionals in his business to keep busy with, look over and ponder. Samuel went back to school today after being home for two and a half days with a fever virus, but he was more than ready to go to school today. During the wee hours of Sunday night his fever broke causing him to sweat profusely all over his pillow, and his pajamas while his head looked as wet as if he just got out of the shower. Isaac is playing with Mickale and Maliya (the little girls I watch); although I think he may be bugging Mickale more than actually playing. He's trying to show her how the toy she has in her hands works and she is not having it; she wants to do her own thing with this particular toy and Isaac just won't have any of that either. He has to make sure she knows how it is SUPPOSED to work. Oh my! ~

Friday, October 3, 2008

Explained Consequences

The day rarely ends without one of my kids getting into trouble and most certainly without, at the very least, a stiff reprimand from me. This day is no different. My son gets into trouble, gets sent to his room to wait for me, gets disciplined and after I give him a hug and kiss we move on through our day. Except that then he asks me a question that proves to have a valuable teaching lesson, "Why do I still get in trouble if I say I'm sorry?" Today was the day that I explained to my child that even though you may be sorry, your actions still have consequences. After our talk I thought to myself how much of that lesson we teach versus how much we as a society actually follow through. I know all kinds of people who get into trouble, but who have very little, if not any consequences; especially if their wallet holds a hefty sum of money. My four year old asked a great question that we should all ponder, if there are consequences to our actions, how come we don't have to answer to them all the time as adults? My husband is over at our church helping with the bushes that were pulled and the aftermath of the mess that made. They wanted to get rid of all the shrubbery in the front of the church and now with all that they pulled out they need to find something to do with the dirt mess before Sunday. My oldest son has been home for the last two days with a "fever virus"; as soon as the Motrin wears off his temperature runs back up to about 102.5. He was sent home Wednesday afternoon at about 2:30 p.m. with a fever of 101.5 and a headache; hopefully he'll feel better soon. ~

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uninterrupted Joy

Joy. Joy in a financially strained economy. Joy in a time of uncertainty. Joy as we worry about the future. Joy is a state of mind and soul; maybe even a choice, that everyday I pray I would get to no matter what my situation or circumstances. I am coming to realize that the joy I want is the joy that infects my very being regardless of what goes on in this world around me because I am a child of God. Actually, I've known this fact about joy; that it should come from the fact that I'm a child of God; deep down in my heart for years, I'm just now moving it to my heart. I know this world is not my home and that this journey I am enduring here on earth is just that; a journey that will result in a destination far better than this I should be joyful as I realize and internalize that my life here on earth compares nothing to what is waiting for me. The security I have in my salvation and Christ's love is always enough, or should be, to be full of joy.

Cody and the mirage of children just walked in the door from picking up Samuel from school; Isaac thought he needed to go with him today. My husband has been working his rear off at some classes on the Internet that he has to finish by tomorrow; talk about joy, or the lack there of. I picked up my friend, Davida, today from her home and took her to the body shop that her Jeep has been at for the last week for repair work. She was in an accident last week and has been bumming rides from her friends all week to get to where she needs to go and so she was more than excited to get her car back. Her message to everybody would be to use a head set to answer your cell phone while driving - enough said. ~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quiet Please

My poor husband is in our bed today after having work done on his teeth last night after hours and I feel so bad for him. His mouth heals up nicely, but his poor jaw and face always swells up and he has a headache for days; not to mention that the painkillers make him really drowsy. I am attending to him every once in a while to make sure he doesn't need anything and even though he says he doesn't, I'm sure he would love the noise of two toddlers and one four year old to subside. For once I am thankful for the television and VCR we have in our master bedroom; at least he can just lock himself in there with his ESPN and movies. Gees, let's be honest, that's a day of relaxation for a mother, without the ESPN in my case, but I'd love a day in bed with some good old movies and my recorded shows that I seem never to be able to get to watch. In any case, I feel bad for him. Tomorrow night we have teacher/parent conferences for Samuel; although I have to brag and tell you that I'm not sure whey we are going other then it's required as my son is excelling in five out of the seven areas of curriculum. He has a student grade higher than the class average in math (104% at that), writing, reading, science, and language; he only really needs to work on social studies. Isaac has been asking me all morning if we can go to the I think we may have to journey over there after we make a quick trip to the bank.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hearbroken Discipline

The disciplining of our children can be so hard sometimes that I just have to remember that it's for their own good and that I am actually loving them by correcting them even if they don't understand that. My four year old gets in trouble rather regularly, but my six year old rarely gets into trouble; has been that way most of his little life - fairly laid back - but last night he got into trouble and seeing him heartbroken over it was almost more than I could bare. All to often I see, I even know, some children who run their homes because the parents don't believe in any form of discipline, but I also see those same children yearning for guidance and direction as teenagers. Oh God, give us the wisdom to raise our children according to your ways and not the world's ways; help us show our children unconditional love even when disciplining.

My husband is downstairs working; he has rearranged his office and now it's so work friendly down there that I think he is way more productive; which makes for a happier husband. He helped me with my parade excursion this weekend as I entered our MOPS group as a participant and I am so thankful that I have a faithful, loving, and extremely supportive husband who helps me at the drop of a hat; even if it means he rearranges half his day for me - THANK YOU BABY! YOU'RE THE BEST! ~

Monday, September 15, 2008

Only Hope

Our nation is going down the tubes in a hand basket, I know that is only my opinion, but I sure hope this next election helps things out. Let me be the first to tell you that I am very much an undecided voter at this point in the game; if only I knew who was telling the truth. My high horse, soap box, or whatever else you want to call it is this: our only hope for this nation is to get it back on track with it's Christian values it was founded on. I don't know how else to put it people; how can we expect our God to bless this country the way it is? I'm not only talking about the values and morals of this country (which stink to high heaven), but I'm also talking about the lack of love for each other; we need to step that up and get rid of the judgement and whether you want to accept this fact or not, it starts with the church. Let me assure you that I am just as much to blame in this area as you are; everyone is to some degree. Enough about husband is downstairs working not only on paperwork for appointments he has this week, but also on putting his office back together after rearranging this space for more work area. We had a great dinner downtown at a little diner called, "Sam's #3" for his birthday; which my son thought was awesome and you know dad picked it for the name, but it was delicious! ~

Saturday, September 13, 2008

No Offense

Sometimes I get so frustrated and mad at my children and I think, "Why can't you just listen a little better?" Better yet, why don't I have enough patience to last a whole day? Sometimes I'm good till 10:00 a.m., others 3:00 p.m, but it takes an act of God to get me to 7:00 p.m. and I think there's probably only been a handful of days when I go to bed with all the patience that I had when I woke up that morning. Then there is my husband; I love him dearly and I have no doubt that I am blessed and have the best one in the world, not to mention his outstanding "daddy" skills, but there are days when I could just ring his neck. Especially those days when he is being so annoying and he knows he is, yet he thinks he is so so funny! UG! Today I had a revelation; God probably should, no, let me rephrase that, God SHOULD have NO patience for me at all, yet daily he forgives my offenses, my annoyances and loves me unconditionally. I need to do the same for my family, friends, and even those who I really can't stand (which is the real kicker). This is not new stuff, but it's good to be reminded. We are celebrating my husband's birthday with him today and I am excited to go downtown Denver to meet up with the girls and have dinner. I am thankful that my husband is celebrating another year and I pray that there will be many more to come, but if he keeps doing crazy things like standing on a ladder that is hoisted up on the dining room table to reach above his head to change a light bulb..........well at least I know God is in control. ~

Monday, September 8, 2008

Caught not Taught

One of my prayers and hopes for my children is that they will learn good, strong and Christ like morals and values. Here's the kicker: I strongly believe that those values and morals will by caught by my children, not taught to my children. What does this mean? Well, I really do believe in the saying, "Actions speak louder than words" and so this means my parenting style and the way I live my life, my lifestyle, had better be one lined with good, strong and Christ like morals and values. Sometimes I think we are guilty of, at least I am, thinking my children will learn what they need to at church, school or, heaven forbid, society where, in my opinion, they get more than a scewed vision of morals and values. And don't think that your children don't notice, or are to young to see how you act as a couple; you're only kidding yourself if you don't think they see how mom and dad not only act towards others, but also towards each guard your marriages and at least act like you love each other more than not. It's time to step it up; even though it's sometimes challenging and more than exhausting, but we can't leave our children to "chance". Enough about that...Cody is downstairs in his basement office working as he has an appointment tomorrow that he needs to get ready for. He's already done a list of "honey dos" this morning and I am so blessed and thankful that I don't have to wait until the weekend for him to do those things; otherwise I may go a little nutty. Samuel is at school; I sent him off with a runny nose, but he said he felt fine and didn't have a off you go. ~

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Married Life

It has been said that marriage is a marathon, not a journey and if you give up to soon you give up on what could have been possibly the best years of your relationship. There have been times in my marriage when I have thought it would have been easier to give up, but I am more than thankful that neither my husband, or I ever did. Our journey has led us through some trials and tumultuous times, but the times where we have ridden the waves of contentment after a storm have often been the best. The first five years of our marriage were extremely hard and our circumstances and situations got a lot harder before they ever got better, but God has blessed our perseverance and I am thankful for the rough ride as it refined me in ways I never dreamed of. Enough about my wonderful (most of the time) husband is on his way to pick up my son, Samuel, from school. Tonight should be interesting; Samuel has so much homework to catch up on as a result of his absence Tuesday that I'm sure a struggle of will should take place tonight. Samuel is enjoying school and I have to say that I am now over my grief of having a child in all day school. It's amazing how much I miss him, but it's also amazing how much I can get done with one kid gone all day. ~

Monday, August 25, 2008

Store Outing

Oh why didn't I go to the store last night! I'll tell you why, because I decided to spend time with my husband by watching the movie Bucket List; which is a good movie if you haven't already watched it. Anyway, I really can't complain, I don't think going to the store with two kids is hard; I just prefer to go by myself when I can and now I don't have that luxury today. My husband is downstairs in his basement office putting together proposals he has for two appointments this week that are potentially pretty good sized. He meets with another client this afternoon over lunch at my favorite restaurant - Chili's; I have such fond memories of "office" lunches...good times. I miss those. Samuel is enjoying school and I have to admit that I'm getting used to and even learning to enjoy this all day school thing. He is loving school and that helps me, but I am amazed at how much the little girls I watch miss him; both of them had a melt down last week when he went off to school in the morning. Oh my goodness! Isaac misses his brother also, but he is used to the idea of him just being the only boy during the day and I have to say that he has taken the role of my helper on pretty good. Right now he is in fact combing Mickale's hair for the fun of it and she's letting him; I'm sure the quarter I give him for every time he runs up, or down the stairs for me also has helped him on taking this new role also. ~

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Entitlement Epidemic

This culture and society blows me away with the attitude that we are "owed" something, or what I like to tell my boys when they are acting snotty, "that's an ungrateful heart and I don't like it". One of my many prayers for my family is that God would give my husband and I the wisdom to raise our boys with a thankful and unselfish heart. In this world of 10 year olds getting their own cell phones; 15 year old drivers getting new cars before their license is even issued and twenty somethings with little to no respect for anything or anyone but themselves, I pray that I can raise boys above that. I pray that the things, attitudes, or the "entitlement epidemic" that I see in this world will not penetrate my children as much as their faith and servant hood to a God who gave up everything for them and us, lest we forget. Enough about that....Cody is out "garage selling" if you will, probably picking up more junk that we don't need, but it's a small pleasure of his during a short season in the have fun! Last night we went to dinner with some dear friends of ours (the above discussion took place over our delicious burgers) and we had a great time at Fudrucker's. YUMMY! Samuel is back in school and I have to tell you that the first day of first grade was much, much harder for me than the first day of kindergarten ever was. I don't like the fact that someone else has control over my child longer during his awake hours than I do (full day is killing me), but I know everyone has to go through I'll be okay too, right? ~

Monday, August 18, 2008

HIS Skills

Our humanness is so unique. We are amazing individuals with tons of talents, abilities and skills that may resemble one another, but that we all use in different ways. There are some with organization and detail skills, some with incredible people skills, some with magnificent visionary skills and some with great leadership skills just to name a few. There are circumstances and situations that my friends can navigate through with such skill that I am in awe of them and yet those same friends can be inspired by the way I seem to easily maneuver through the details of my life. However, no matter our skills, we must not forget who we got those skills from; who blessed us with our knowledge of our abilities and then helped us form them to ultimately work for HIS good. God has blessed me with talents that I need to use for his glory and I pray that he will show me how to do that daily. Enough of that...Cody and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this weekend with a great getaway downtown Denver. We checked into our room at the Sheraton, than ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, went to see the movie Dark Knight and then finished our evening with dessert at the Rock Bottom. After breakfast the next morning we journeyed back home; we had a blast and I feel truly blessed to have the best husband in the world. Thanks Cody! ~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Too Big

The sound of kids dumping toy boxes and Lego's smashing together upstairs is making me go a little nutty, but I'm trying my hardest not to go up there and see what's going on. This new strategy I'm using in trying to be a little less worried about what they are doing upstairs is tearing me up inside, but my house is so much more peaceful when I'm only checking on them every 15 - 20 minutes instead of having to be watching their every move. Plus I know it's better for my kids while they're up there making a mess, I've learned that if I turn on some SIRIUS Christian Hits and stay downstairs I get a peaceful break and a lot done. Learning to let go of the control freak in me is a little harder than I thought it would be; what else is new? Cody is working on our garage door; I tell you, if it's not his car or work there is always something else for him to do. The garage door started going up only half way yesterday; not a life and death situation, but a bummer all the same. Samuel is upstairs enjoying his last week with his brother and the little girls I watch ; August 21st he starts first grade! On one hand I feel like he is getting so big and I get fearful of the influences that come into his life at school, but than I watch him play "house" with his brother and I am reminded of how much guidance and influence we still have on him. Thank God! ~

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Practice Parenting

I love being a mom. I love most everything about it, but there are days when I lose my patience at the drop of a hat and feel like my life is so mundane. When I was growing up my sister and I played dolls for hours until we were bored with them, or something better came along. Then we'd put our babies away and shriek off the pretend responsibility we had for them and pick back up when we felt like it. Now with our own families you can't do that; you need to be a place of security and leadership for your children - something I didn't have to do with those plastic, or cloth beings. However, my childhood children didn't love me back the way my children do now and I never had to think about being a strong, responsible and patient parent with my baby doll back than I guess it's okay when I lose my patience sometimes with my children of today because I'm still learning how to be the non-pretend parent at times. I just need to remember that God is the source of the extra strength, patience and encouragement that I sometimes need on a daily basis. Enough of that....Cody is getting things together for the appointment he has at 1:00 p.m. and then he's going to go spend some time with his oldest daughter, Chelsea. He will be back in time for the Lakeside adventure we have planned with the boys tonight so that we can use the free passes we have from the library reading program before they expire; YEAH!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Forever & Always

My 12th wedding anniversary is coming up in two weeks and while we've had our ups and downs; ebbs and flows I can say that I am a happily married woman. There was never a doubt going into this marriage that I wasn't in it for the long haul no matter what; I took our vows seriously and I made a commitment to God that day that I would give my 100% (whoever says marriage is 50/50 is full of it; it should be 100/100). My favorite times with my husband are those were there are things only him and I understand between each other; the time we spend together after the boys go to sleep; the gleams I get from his eye that I know are just for me; the tickle times in bed when I think he's being annoying, but it's actually kind of fun (sometimes); the inside jokes and the intimacy we share that no one else knows about, and I'm not just talking about in the bedroom. There have been countless intimate talks and walks; times we have become spiritually closer to each other and closer to God as a couple. Cody, thank you for all you do, all you are and all you've become; I am glad I said "yes" 12 years ago and I'd do it again. There are times when we absolutely can't stand each other, but I'm so glad that we've stuck it out when other people didn't think we had a chance. Forever & Always. ~

Friday, August 8, 2008

Engine Heat

Do any of us really know how much time we have left here on earth to enjoy friends and family? That's a dumb question, of course we don't; God and God alone knows the number of our years, months and days. If we really understood how precious life is and how little control we really have over our own lives, I think we would live more freely and have more a desire to please one another and God. There wouldn't be a world wrapped up in pettiness, strife, or constant comparison, but we'd be in a world that loves to help each other and knows what the calling to live for God means. Personally I look forward to the coming of Christ, but while I am here on earth I think I need to become more servant like to those around me and try my best to live as God would want me too. Enough of that...Cody is out running errands and I'm trying to figure out what floor would be easier or less work to try to tackle and clean during the kids' nap/rest time. My husband has been a busy little bee and driving all around creation in his new to us, but used ride only to discover that his 1992 Toyota could probably use a new thermostat. We just don't know if the black convertible really needs one because it really does, or because of the heat down here. In any rate, I guess the engine has been getting a little hot lately and so it's probably better to be safe than sorry on I-25. ~

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crazy House

The house is all amok with children again as little Mickale has made her way back to our home for day care seems how her teacher mom and my friend had to already go back to work. It's amazing to me how much more work just one child can be and it's equally amazing to me how much more of a mess there is. Cody is over at our neighbors house retrieving a garage door opener for their home as we are taking care of their German Shepard over the weekend while they go camping. Every once in a while my husband gets an inkling to own a this will be good training for him; I on the other hand do not want another thing to take care of. Samuel and I went to his school today for the uniform exchange and suited him out for the year. There is nothing like buying enough school clothes for the entire year at about $60; I was thrilled! Isaac has been bugging me all day because I told him this morning that I was going to take them to the free movie at The Fillmore Theatre this evening. The movie (Muppets) isn't even starting until dawn, but I just had to tell them this morning after my friend and their adopted aunt Davida called to invite us and now I've listened to him ask for it all day. UG! Hopefully he won't be disappointed. ~

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Slipping Standards

Does this society adhere to any standards anymore? I am appalled at some of the discipline problems I see; not saying that I have it all together by no means, but why do we let children run the show? Just a thought that is running all over in my mind this morning as I watched a woman struggle with her tantrum throwing daughter in Wal-Mart only to see the frazzled mother give in and the girl smile with a big grin....totally knew that she had her mother where she wanted her. What about the standards of respecting elders, holding the door open for women and the elderly, not talking back to your parents, being kind enough to let the mean driver in front of you, or having enough self-control to hold your tongue during your four year old's t-ball game just to name a few. Okay, enough about that....Cody took Samuel to school this morning for Sam's first grade reading testing. His first grade teacher is Miss Hill and even though I have never met her, I've heard that she is fantastic from more than one I'm happy with that. Isaac is playing with the two girls I watch, Mickale and Maliya, upstairs and I can hear Isaac instructing them on how to play Rescue Rangers....ha! This fall I'm going to start working more intensely with Isaac and some pre K curriculum, although I'm pretty sure he'll be more than ready for kindergarten next year, but he has asked, "When can I start preschool with you, mommy?" No time like the present. ~

Monday, July 28, 2008

Give Respect

Respect. It's a lesson I've been trying to teach my boys since they were little and decided to throw their first toy across a room, or tell me "no". However, for the first time I think it's starting to sink into their thick haired heads a little better these days. Recently we have had issues with a few little friends being less than kind to their own siblings and to Samuel and his sibling. He has started to realize that he is not being respected by these little friends when he doesn't want to take part in there less than nice games and is instead being bullied by them. This was brought to my attention Sunday and even though my 6 year old is being bullied, he recognizes that is not the way you "respect" people and has chosen all by himself to back off of these friendships - a proud moment for us as parents. I am not a huge fan of the "work it out" theory; I think that's only okay when you know there isn't violence, or disrespect going on. After all, how are our children supposed to know how to properly work things out if we don't teach them and guide them through this learning process? I don't want my children to think that "working things out" means being bullied, or bullying others and than not being able to say anything to in certain circumstances it is good, but if I think there is a hint of violence or disrespect being thrown around, I want to guide my children through this and sometimes that means learning to respect people, property, or things. I have received slack for this in the past from friends and others and that's okay, but in this one Sunday afternoon, my child showed me that they were thankful for the guidance and his understanding of respect is sinking in even in this society were, in this blogger's opinion, appropriate respect even among children is fading fast. ~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Loving Affirmation

My parents did a fantastic job showing my sister and I how husband and wife are to love each other completely. It seems to me that I remember my mother always showing my dad his love by her acts of service to him: his dinner always made when he came home, his lunch made for him before he left in the morning, and always met him at the door with a kiss when he came home. It also seems to me that my dad respected my mother and made sure that we kids respected her as well. Now that I am a parent I am thankful for those affirmations I saw as a child and I pray that I am showing the same qualities to my children. My husband adores me. I know this by the simple way that he looks at me when I walk into a room, or by the touch of his hand across my shoulders, the small of my back; not to mention the small things he does for me that I even forgot I asked him to do and his response always is "I was just thinking of you". Hopefully my children are seeing their father love their mother with affection in the form of touch and respect as I did as a child. How my heart would sing if I see them loving their wife as I am loved as a wife; I pray we raise strong, dependable, yet soft and sensitive young men who will love their wife as Christ loved the church and who will love their families above all else. That's my prayer for the day, but enough about that; Cody is downstairs trying to get a fax through and he must be having a heck of a time because I hear the cover of the fax machine opening and closing and more than a 10 digit number being pushed, which can only mean that he's had to try sending the thing more than once. Maybe I should go show some of that respect and see if I can help him. Oh, and thank you mom and dad! ~

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Baker

There is something about my man accomplishing mechanical work that drives me a little crazy; the smell of sweat and grease I guess. He looks so masculine in his dirty, oil stained clothes with grease and brake fluid all over his face and in his hair; I couldn't help but grab him and give him a big smooch; mmmmmmmm! In any case, I am happy to report that my husband finished repairing the struts on his car and now we are officially a two car family; two cars that run that is. To tell you the truth, I would have given up on that car probably two weeks ago, but now I have a new respect for my man who saw his work through (one of his greatest attributes, thank God). Samuel is at the dentist office as I type this with his daddy as Sam has two cavities that need filled and I couldn't go and watch them give him a shot in his gums. What happened to the 'happy gas' I got as a child? I know he'll more than likely be a champ and handle it perfectly even with his eyes open (he does well with all the shots at the doctor's office), but I didn't want my fear of anticipation to spoil him and Cody does better with these things anyway. Isaac is playing 'baker' as he is kneading a fake loaf of bread for the oven; why does he think he needs to play with real kitchen appliances? This is a daily struggle, "Can I put this in the oven, mommy?" "No. Kids don't play with ovens, Isaac." Then I go through the whole discussion that these are not toys and no kid I know plays with find a cabinet to play in. EVERYDAY! I wouldn't be surprised if he starts making dinner for us by the time he's 12.~

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Gamer

Nothing like coming back from vacation with a monstrous mount of laundry to do; I think I've done four loads today. My machines have gotten more of a workout than I have in the last week and I'm just waiting for one of them to screech "I've had enough!" and than quit. Cody is outside trying his hardest to get the last strut off his car that he needs to replace; the neighbor across the street asked him if he'd ever seen the movie Money Pit and than laughed. While that wasn't the nicest thing to say, I know he was saying it in fun and it has now become the joke of the day; we may name the car 'Pit'. Samuel is upstairs in my room watching a movie for his down time and while he swears he's not tired, I'm sure he is catching up on his sleep seems how I told him he could come down at 4:00 p.m. and it's now 4:15 p.m. and there is no sign of him; guess I'd better go wake him up. He had a great morning playing with friends at their house where the water was overflowing with add that to the lack of sleep during vacation and I'm sure he's catching some z's. Isaac has become a little gamer on the computer lately and we just recently started letting him play by himself on the Dell. He has picked it up in no time and has even showed his brother a few new games; it's amazing how fast they learn this thing. ~

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Completely Refreshed

We just got back from a wonderful fourth of July weekend up in the mountains; the Yampa Valley to be exact. There is nothing like the still silence you hear when you are out on a lake and tune the rest of the world out. I swear that I actually heard the act of my fingers grasping a dry twig and I could hear the small clang of my metal zipper clasp drumming against itself; it was brilliance! Pure silent could actually hear yourself breathing in and out while the birds are chirping and the water is lapping softly. I feel rejuvenated and completely refreshed; I don't think I've felt this recharged in a long time; I allowed myself just to 'be' and I challenge you all do to the same for yourselves, preferably outdoors in nature if you can. Now back to the daily routine of husband is outside working on his new/used car; putting new struts on the front. We are having a blast riding/driving around in the convertible and for our next family movie night we are planning a trip to a drive in movie theatre in our little Toyota we have lovingly named "Blacky". Samuel and Isaac are both outside playing in the backyard; while they had a blast on our trip they are excited to be home. Samuel's last t-ball practice for the season is tonight and his last game is Thursday night; I'm excited that we'll have two nights back, but sad for him that it's over. ~

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Loving Sam

Where do these summer colds come from? I don't think I can blow my nose anymore and I don't know whether it's better to have a cold in the heat, or in the cold; you can't get comfortable either way. At first I thought I had allergies, but than the green and yellow gunk started flowing out of my nostrils while blowing and I thought, "you've got to be kidding me!" Oh well. My husband is outside installing an automatic sprinkler system in our garden; he's tired of having to remember to water his pee wee vegetables; which incidentally he thinks the size of his work is the direct result of his watering remembering skills. I personally think the garden will do fine; we just planted later than everyone else down here and I think we need to quit comparing it to others. I joined the adult reading program at the library this summer and have enjoyed forcing the extra reading time. I still don't see how I'll get more than three books read by August 2nd, but we'll see...I want some prizes! The boys, Maliya and I had a wonderful play date over at the Fabian's house this morning and now even my 6 year old is relaxing. Samuel is such a joy to have home! I like him being out of school for the summer and I am really enjoying spending some nice, quality time with him. He is such a huge part of my heart and so far he has made my life so relaxing because he loves playing with the younger kids too; he's such a good big brother. Thanks Sam! ~

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Paddle Boating

My knees are killing me! At first glance 30 minutes of paddle boating doesn't seem it's a long time, or that big of a deal, but let me tell you that even though I had given thought to the strain to my quads (which incidentally are not hurting at all), I didn't give my knee joints a thought. Now I feel like I'm trying to give birth out my right knee cap every time I walk and the stairs have now taken the form of a "fourteen er". My husband is walking around like it's just another day; which is so not fair seems how he's 19 years older! In fact, he is even the one that has had knee surgery! Oh well, we had a great time out at E.B. Raines Park and that was the first time we had rented one of their paddle boats; I would highly recommend it; the kids loved every minute. Samuel and Isaac enjoyed $1.50 hot dogs and sodas while Cody and I paddled out to the middle of the lake where there is a great fountain that you can't help muscle your way to so that you can enjoy the full experience by getting sprayed/soaked. Needless to say my eldest son's hot dog bun became duck food when the white bread fell of into the lake while he was screaming and trying his hardest to cover his short haired head (as if a hot dog would cover him; use the plate next time goof ball). Isaac's hot dog had long since been residing in his no sogginess there, and no head covering either, just a bunch of wide eyed laughter from a hyped up and very happy four year old. ~

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Enjoying Smoozies

AH....nap time; love it, relish in it, use it as time to catch up on my t.v. shows that I record during the day and lately have been using it as time to catch up on reading. One of my personal goals for the year is to never miss an opportunity to learn more about God and his Word. Therefore, I have been involved in at least one bible study, sometimes two, since January (and church or Wednesday night service don't count) and thus my reading basket is now a little over flowing, but with nourishing and healthful information to my soul, mind and spirit and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Cody went down to the Tech center office this morning before taking his oldest daughter to the doctor. He also has been offered a CFO position with a rehab ministry that will be taking place up around our home grounds (no required moving, only if we want too) opening this fall (hopefully) and so we are in faithful prayer about this opportunity. Samuel and Isaac are enjoying what we call "smoozies", or what Great Grandma Iac would call the old fashioned Popsicles you would make with the Tupperware sticks, but tht now we buy in the store as otter pops. How I wish I could have known my husband's grandparents; the stories of Sam and Angelina Iacovetto are plentiful and way entertaining. ~

Monday, June 16, 2008

To Daddy

So.... I have a ton of paperwork to do for my husband's business, but don't want to do any of it; I'm so sick of forms. UG! Do you think the IRS, or the Department of Revenue would mind if I didn't send in my quarterly reports? HA! Just kidding, I'll get to them before 11:00 p.m. since I know my daddy reads my blog I need to put a big HAPPY BELATED FATHER'S DAY! Yes, I remembered to call him, I'm not that terrible of a daughter, but no one answered at 8:00 p.m. (probably sleeping because of his work schedule). You have been a great father and I am truly proud to be your daughter and am amazed by you and in awe of you. I love everything about you, thank you! Now be looking in the mail for something that we sent you, but I don't think you'll be getting it until around the 26th. I don't know why I just didn't have it shipped here so I could bring it up with me when we come up this weekend, but my brain wasn't working...such is life sometimes. My husband is outside working on this never ending car project, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me. It was still a tremendous deal and I think I've finally convinced him to let a mechanic look at it (what is it with guys and their cars? Same thing with guys and asking for directions). My sons are taking a much needed siesta after a jammed pack Father's Day with their dad and older sisters, not to mention the park excursion this morning. My Samuel fought his afternoon rest time, but I think it's only because he knew he'd fall asleep during his afternoon movie, heaven forbid! ~

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Selective Hearing

UG! My children are out of control today and I would love to blame the rain, but I think they're a little over tired from having a late night at the Rockies game. We had a blast and it was the first time Isaac has been to a professional game, but today we are paying for the 10:30 pm bedtime. Cody is out working on his car project; I think the fuel pump job is a bigger project than he I am betting he'll end up getting a mechanic to finish the job. He's already been to Wal-Mart this morning and Checkers to get extra tools he needed that he didn't have, but once the car is running I know it will be worth all the work and the money. Samuel and Isaac have been to the park already this morning with their dad and I decided that I would take them to the library for something to do on this now rainy day. For the most part they have played very well together this summer; there has been a lot of wrestling and imaginative play with action figures between the occasional fighting. Isaac has been threatened with not being able to go to the library this morning due to his inability to we'll see whether he holds up his end of the bargain. Sometimes I think my four year old has selective hearing until he gets in trouble for it; nothing like giving a quick swat in the pants before noon. ~

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thrilling Purchase

Most of my married life we have been a one car family, but over the weekend my husband changed all that once again as he purchased a 1992 Toyota Celica GT Convertible, black. I know, I know; most of you are thinking, "Why? Number one, why would you get a convertible, and number two, why a 1992?" For sentimental value. This is the model, the exact color, year and make that my husband sold to pay for my last year of college and while we always said, "We'll get it back," we never really thought we we are thrilled with what we are calling a little gift from God. Cody was my fiance at the time he sold his first one and I remember thinking that was the first time I knew he was serious about us and me; this was real devotion...and it still is 13 years later (we will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary this year). Well, enough about memory lane; I'm just so thrilled. Both boys are napping as we are going to the Rockies game tonight; in fact Samuel and Isaac's t-ball teams all get to this should be a lot of fun. Samuel has been before, but this will be Isaac's first time and while I know we will have a good time, I'm a little nervous as I'm sure he'll be needing some type of refreshment or treat almost constantly to keep him seated and not restless. I'm sure we will have sampled some of the baseball concessions finest foods by the nights end. ~

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stupid Teeth

Ah,... the sound of the weed eater running along the back fence and around the legs of the swing set; the aroma of newly cut grass and weeds wafting through my back screen door. I do love that smell, but I do think my grass will be exceptionally short this summer due to my husband's new lawn mower purchase at Lowe's. This morning Isaac had his first T-ball practice and game; nothing like herding a bunch of 4 year olds and trying to keep their attention. Every time a ball was hit it was like watching a bunch of flies to a fresh cow pie; 9 little boys all running to the same spot yelling, "I got it! I got it!" only to hit heads while the ball hits the grass and the runner takes all bases; hilarious! Samuel helped coach them while the team was up to bat, but as soon as the team took the field then Samuel would come and play his Game Boy sitting next to me. He really wanted to play the field with this brother too, but that would have been just very unfair and illegal seems how he is not a four year old. Well, Cody will be visiting the dentist Monday morning for a broken filling and tooth; my poor husband and his mouth, it's like they're enemies. All my husband had to do this afternoon was eat a chip and out a back filling pops; tonight was supposed to be 'Sonic' night; we'll see if that happens now. I can't imagine eating that tasty dinner in front of my husband while he's sucking down some tomato soup...and I was looking forward to that jalapeno burger. UG! ~

Friday, June 6, 2008

Movie Night

I am feeling good about myself and my life right now and I am very excited that I'm back into a Bible study. There is nothing better in the world than surrounding myself with as much of God and his teachings as I can...makes me feel a whole lot of peace inside and a lot more relaxed in life. Cody went out looking at vehicles this morning as we are thinking about, but not necessarily committed to, buying a second car. My husband had a tremendously successful month in May and things are definitely looking up in the business this may be a good move right now seems how it looks as if he's going to be on the road more and as long as we stay within our budget no time is better than now; we'll see. What he has found so far has not impressed us. Samuel is helping his brother play the video game Robots; they have been playing so well together lately. Samuel also has been wearing his Ninja Turtles hanky on his head all week like he's a little biker and he wants it on has soon as he wakes up and doesn't take it off until he goes to bed; how cute. Isaac is picking dinner tonight as tonight is Family Movie Night, but since it's Sam's turn to pick the movie, Isaac gets to pick the food. I have a feeling we may be eating Taco Bell, or McDonald's and then we are going to go relax and listen to the concert over at The Orchard for a little before we come home in time for the movie and bed. Sounds like a great night!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Political Garb

I am ready for the political garb to already be done with; not that it's even really started, but this household holds one Democrat and one Republican and even though we love each other dearly, our discussions can get rather heated. I love my husband very much and am happily married and satisfied in every other way than this one; he's just a little ignorant in his thinking (just kidding), but that's am I if I'm honest with myself. AH! Anyway, my husband is out running errands and fetching dinner from the grocery I better shush it. The problem is that we are both passionate with our political we have to respect each other and the good thing is we may get heated, but we never hold it against the other. After all, what's life if you can't be passionate about something? And he should be just as passionate as I am...I don't want to ever control him or tell him how to feel. If someones passionate about something, they should really stick to it until they change on their own accord, not to please someone kudos! Kudos to you honey for standing up for your beliefs! Samuel and Isaac are enjoying some afternoon candy after the hail storm we had woke them both from their slumbering rest times. We ended up all cuddling up together in my bed and watching a movie while the storm passed; good memories were made, I hope.~

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Buzz Cuts

I am so tired! I love the sun, but man does it drain me, and during the summer all my boys want to do is be outside. I am thankful that they like to be out so much, but sometimes I have to beg, "Can we PLEASE go in for just 20 minutes?" And then I usually get a begrudging, "okay mom" look. However, I can't complain to much today as my husband has been with the boys since 11:00 this morning at a birthday party that I did not attend due to taking care of Maliya (the little girl I watch). My husband in awesome! I am very blessed with such a family man and someone who is so in tuned to me and my needs and who doesn't mind taking the boys "off my hands" for a while. Not to mention that Samuel should get his share of my pay as he loves to help me with Maliya and she loves to be with him. Tonight Samuel has T-ball and this morning I heard him wake up at 6:30; I think his body is still used to waking up at that time for he'll be good and tired tonight after having a three hour birthday party this morning too. Isaac and Samuel both received summer buzz cuts last night from their hopefully I won't hear, "Mom, my head is sweating!" any longer. Cody uses the clippers while I use the vacuum setting of 'sucking up' so that the boys don't feel the hair touch their skin as it falls; otherwise it's a screaming and crying match while we struggle to keep them still and they wiggle trying to get away from the hair that's landing all over their bodies. Then it's Sonic treats for everyone; nothing like a little bribery. ~

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wonderful Summer

What's with the retarded ice cream truck outside? First of all I know that they are not supposed to be in my neighborhood (a good friend worked the ice cream truck for a summer), and second, don't they know my kids can hear that thing like a dog to a high pitched, unbearable sound to the human ear kind of way? Can't tell that I'm a little annoyed with the thing, can you? Actually I don't mean to be to hard, it is a lively song, but it calls to my children even out of a deep nap to spend mom and dad's money and eat sweets; two things I don't like to do really. My husband is out running errands and I am taking a breather after having a fun filled morning with my boys. Hopefully my husband isn't out at Home Depot trying to buy some more flowers for me; I bought enough yesterday, but he doesn't think so. Anyway, this morning I played in the back yard with my boys in the water and then this afternoon after lunch we went to a wonderful new kids area by our house that has water fountains that shoot water high out of the ground for the kids to do whatever in and so I wore them out more there too. I think I am really going to enjoy spending most of my summer with just my boys now that I am down to watching only one little girl three times a week. Party on! ~

Friday, May 30, 2008

Retaining Information

Two years ago I fell into becoming a "day care lady" and while I never dreamed of watching other peoples' kids as a source of income, here I am and I have to say I rather enjoy this vocation. However; today one of the downsides of doing such work poked its head when the little red headed, spit fire, yet bubbly little 1 year old girl said, "Good-bye," until August. Her mom is a school teacher and now with the summer here Mickale will be spending her time with mom. I am happy for them, but a little sad, it's kind of like watching one of your own go out the door; I didn't think I'd get attached to these kids when I started this two years ago by accident. Oh well, such is life, I know we'll see her during the summer and I know she'll have a blast with her mommy. Samuel is over at his friend Cara's house and I'm sure they are having a great time in the water park ala Fabian style and being a little more loud than Lisa would like, but summer fun is starting for everyone. Hopefully I'll be able to help Samuel retain the information he learned in kindergarten throughout the summer. I know when I was in kindergarten I don't remember keeping up with lessons during the summer with my mom, but I can tell you that I'm pretty sure I didn't learn what he did until the 1st, or 2nd grade either; WOW! For now, at least until June (yes, June, just a few days away) I think he'll be able to retain the information. ~

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good Memories

I love summer; the sound of the lawn mower and the smell of newly cut grass; the sun warming up our faces while giving us a little color; the breezes blowing through the house and the ability to take the kids to the park for something fun to do while I sit and read. Summer is also the time when me and my family travel up and down the I-70 corridor approximately five times and enjoy the cleaner mountain air and family. Samuel is finishing up school today with a field day and kindergarten continuation just in time for my sister and her family to come down and spend a few nice, quiet and relaxing days with us. There is a fabulous new park just down the road from our home that I'm sure we'll be spending lot of time at, but it's also time to drag out the plastic pool from under the porch and get the water park ala Iacovetto style prepped for the summer. Isaac has asked if we can go to the library again this summer to join in on the summer reading program and he can't wait until the "merry - go round opens" (meaning Lakeside). These are all memories my children are already storing up from past summers and I find it fulfilling that they are asking to do the same things again; makes me feel good that they look forward to the summer activities we've picked out for them. I'm extremely thankful for the good memories I'm developing with my children and family. ~

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Financial Clearing

This is the year of financial clearing for us: no more automatic with drawls from the checking account for things we don't need; we only have one more credit card to pay down and then it's no more of those plastic traps; and than the decision to downsize on the car payment (really, I find it ridiculous to spend more than $300 on a car payment). This seems like easy, common sense ideas to slimming down our monthly finances and it is working, but I tell you what, this has been an eye opener to me with regards to all the items I have "EFT"ed out of my! My husband and I sat down and asked ourselves, "Is this something we really use, or need?" I have to say that's it's amazing how many things we have canceled due to lack of not only use, but we don't even need. There is something really wrong with our culture and the American way when it comes to money and debt. It's as if we are all trying our hardest to outdo each other materialistically without even caring, or realizing the effect it has on our kids, families and other relationships. I've often wondered, what are we teaching our children? Is there going to be anything left to leave them? I'm supposed to leave them an inheritance. I don't want their lives to be all about acquiring more stuff. We've even entertained the idea of downsizing our home and I really don't think we'll go that far, but why not? I'll tell you, because people would think we are nuts for wanting to save more (we are trying to rebuild savings after a trying year) and no one wants to be looked upon with a frown.... so we all tend to overspend and overextend ourselves so that we can keep the appearance up for everyone else (talk about ridiculous; it's nobody else's business). I personally find myself more at peace when I think of having very little in the way of material, but a good amount in savings for the "just in case" events that happen in life. So...why am I blogging this today? Because another "EFT" bit the dust this morning and I feel good about our progress; much like you feel good passing up on the chocolate donut when you're on a diet, but you still sometimes crave what you can't have; that's me - I'm happy with our progress, but if I'm honest with myself I do crave what I don't have any longer. However; the flip side is that just like you drop weight on a diet, we are dropping financial pounds and will be healthier in the long run for it. And that's something I can get behind. ~

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I don't know how I'm not sick more often. After all, three of the four kids I have running through this house are sick and one with some sort of stomach bug on top of the cold. In any case, I'm glad I don't get sick to often (some say it's because all of the spicy food I eat), but I have to say that I get a ton done around the house when my kids are down. Samuel is one of those kids who will lay on the couch all day and you'll never hear a sound out of him until he spit vomits in the pan he insists on keeping next to him; he doesn't even moan or groan let alone cry. If he needs something he still politely asks for it and when I say, "I'm sorry you don't feel good, honey," he still says "That's okay mom." Then there is Isaac who doesn't complain either. He just runs around like he's fine and then hits the wall. The next thing I hear is, "Mom, I'm going to lay on the couch and take a rest." Then in about half an hour it's through the same cycle again. However, when he is feeling better it's as if he's trying to make up for lost time; it's as if the cold actually hypes him up; he gets so nuts! Then there are the men; the husbands, the ones that are supposed to be strong; the ones that claim they can do anything; anything......except a cold. You know what I mean, and you know who you are (you just won't admit it). So there it is....the mom who rarely gets a break even when she's dragging sick and those spouses who can't move, or get out of bed because they just used the last of their energy to blow their nose; they must have gotten something from the kids, and it's "really bad". Actually, I can't complain to much in this area, my husband doesn't complain either; where do you think the boys got there ill techniques from? You really didn't think it was from me did you? After all, listen to me, I'm a big complainer! ~

Friday, May 23, 2008

I am listening to the sound of book pages ripping from the upstairs play area and do you think at 5:00 p.m. I really care? Not really. Yeah I know, books are precious, but we have so many that I really don't go ballistic when I hear a few pages tearing; now hearing the upstairs toilet flush when I'm not up there is a different story (and all of you with boys know what I mean). My husband is up in the mountains today to attend a funeral and do business; nothing like writing off a trip when there is death involved, that's just not right to mix the two. Oh well, maybe he'll go to my sister's college graduation barbecue that we didn't think we'd make; that would be a nice surprise. In any case, my six year old is extremely excited that he only has three days of school left until he has "90 days off" as he tries to explain summer vacation. Today he came home with an empty homework folder and evidently the end of the year is making me slack a little also because I didn't even feel the need to ask him where his work was...kindergartenideous. HA! Isaac is driving me a little nuts; this is our morning conversation: "Where are we going today mommy?" Nowhere. "Who's coming over today?" Nobody. "Is Frank and Cara?" No. "Do we have Bible study today?" No. "Do we have MOPS?" No. "Do we have Club 3:16?" No. "Well than what are we going to do....(whine)?" Why do kids think we need to have a three ring circus at all times? Don't you think we do enough already? Oh well, at least his brother will be home to keep him company all day soon enough. Then I'm sure my days will be filled with bickering. Such is life. ~

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I just finished mopping my hard wood floors and while I love the look of them, I find them to be harder to clean. I know, I know...everyone says they are easier, but I feel the need to vacuum over them with my floor sweeper before being able to mop them and sometimes I feel like that's harder work. Maybe it's the sheer volume of hard wood floor I have to clean that makes it feel like it takes forever; in any case I'm glad I'm done with that weekly chore/exercise. My husband is over at the store with my four year old buying our supply that usually lasts about a week or so, but with my six year old eating everything in sight these days it will probably last all of three days. Grocery store shopping is not my favorite thing to do, but my husband loves it; he likes to see what savings he can get, especially now with the price of he goes and I get to unload all the bags when he gets home with him hoovering over me to see if I approve of his purchases and "prizes"; which I always do. Samuel is at school and he is all excited now that he only has six more days left before he is out for the summer. Let's face it, I'm excited for the fact that I won't have to help him with homework, more like ride his rear to get it done, for a couple of months. ~

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am enjoying a little piece and quiet while my boys are outside playing with their father in the nice day and the little girl I watch (Mrs. Mickale) is taking her afternoon siesta. I really should be doing some housework; it never ends, but I'd much rather sit on the couch and blog while I take a breather. My husband has been busy for most of the morning helping our neighbor with his new lawn statue/water fountain. If I have to hear one more time how much they spent on that thing (they don't realize it makes them look stupid, in my opinion) I think I'll just have to either walk away, or burst out's ridiculous that they want everyone to know what they spend...oh well, to each his own.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I am watching my husband play hide and go seek with my 3 year old and laughing because Isaac keeps telling his dad where he is hiding. I think Isaac likes to tell us because he's afraid we won't find him; I hid from him one time so well that he started to cry and every since that time he has told us were he hides. My husband has been working from home today and is just now going to take a shower; I guess it's easy to work in pajamas when it's rainy outside. Tonight he has to go to his coaches meeting for little league; he is coaching two t-ball teams this year - one for 6 year olds and one for 4 year olds so he can coach his sons; which should be interesting. This morning I found my 6 year old, Samuel, on the couch when I came down to start the coffee pot. I have no idea what time he came down to the couch to sleep, but when I asked him why he was there he said, "I didn't want to miss school." He must have had a dream about being late; he's not once been late all year, but it was cute all the same to see him curled up with his own pillow and blanket he drug down from his room. Isaac is going a little nutty this morning as I let him dump out a big box of toys from the basement all over the living room floor. Now he keeps hiding in the box and the two little girls I watch are running away from his as he scoots along like a turtle; I'm not sure they like it that they can't see him.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I am sitting here looking at the load of laundry I need to put in the washer and wondering how many times I've seen the same t-shirt go through this cycle in a week. I really need some new clothes, but I really don't like to spend money and so to go shopping is a huge step for me. My husband is working feverishly downstairs on a mortgage loan he is doing for a client and so I chalk up another bad day for him as this particular industry has become such a monster now days that it's almost impossible for anyone to qualify for a loan anymore and the situation has created numerous headaches for my husband on any given day. I'm sure he's not the only HONEST mortgage broker trying to help people out of their ARM situations while still making a living, but he is having a heck of a time. My oldest son is getting a little restless with his little brother and he keeps bugging me to play on the computer. At six years old he is more computer savvy than me and I am afraid we may be raising a whole bunch of youngsters that have a better relationship with machines and computers than with people at the rate technology is going. My three year old turns four this week and I am a little freaked out that my baby is no longer so little. This time next year and I'll have two getting ready for school in the fall; nobody told me that time flies by faster when you have kids, but I think it does.

Submit Yourselves

Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ~ James 4:7 Trust.  It’s all about trust.  In today’s world w...